Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube… they are all designed to do ONE thing. Keep you on them! That’s how they push the ads out to you, that’s how they program you.
Have you ever been overserved on Instagram? 😜 I know I have, more times than I care to admit. As for TikTok & Twitter, I’m not on them…intentionally 😉 YouTube, I LOVE! I have learned SO much on YouTube over the years, which is one of the reasons why I decided to create my own channel in the first place back in 2022.
The truth is, it’s easy to get sucked into social media. I mean, it seems harmless enough. But is it really?
Before you realize it, you are in a spiral of comparison, lack and numbing out of reality. This can easily affect our confidence, energy & relationships. Don’t believe me? Pay attention to your body when you are on these apps. Are you contracting or expanding? Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Catch Episode 48 where I get into a few things I think easily can happen to one’s emotional state while being on these apps & the quick fix I have for it!