Are you someone who always knew you were meant to create and serve? I’m guessing you are THAT GIRL if you have made your way to me. You can’t resist who you truly are at your core…..and if you do, your soul will find a way to keep reminding you (wink wink).
I’ve been an entrepreneur since before I even knew what an entrepreneur was.

I was lucky enough to be inspired by a very special woman, my Mom, who’s an incredibly talented Artist. I would go with her to sell her pieces at Art & Craft Fairs
Pretty soon I was running a Face Painting business at the age of 10 & many more side hustles for this exuberant young lady in the decade ahead
I bought my first fixer upper house at age 19 (peek below for the start of my wicked good carpentry skills…thanks Dad ❤️)

Was a landlord by age 20 and have been building an empire ever since
Uplifting faces, places & spaces for over 2 decades now
I have always found ways to turn my passion into profit & I’ve always done it by using 1 simple formula that I want to share with you…..
Follow your 𝕁𝕆𝕐 !
Find a way to monetize what you’re 𝘗𝘈𝘚𝘚𝘐𝘖𝘕𝘈𝘛𝘌 about and 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 work another day in your life ✨
Keep in mind this can be a side hustle while you keep your current job (safety net) in place….. This side hustle could even have a potentially low investment and low overhead. You can advertise & connect with your potential clients/customers for free on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube…. truly the sky is the limit!
What lights you up?
What do you LOVE doing?
What do your friends & family say are some of your best attributes?
Make 2023 be the year ALL ABOUT YOU! What would you go for if you knew you had nothing to lose and everything to gain? Really, get real with it. Write it down, work through the possibilities, envision what it would look like, feel like. What would your every day routine be like in this life? Who would you get to help? How would that make you feel? What would it mean for you and your family? Would you have more flexibility? More freedom? More money $$$$?
Often times what stops us is the “belief” that we aren’t ready, we need to learn more, we need more resources, we aren’t sure how to get there, we don’t know exactly how to do it, will people support me in this, will I support me in this …… I share this, because I have had PLENTY of those moments, and they all come to a hard stop when I get right down to the real fact. What is the COST of being in the same place one year from now? Make this year be yours. You can either EVOLVE or repeat. You choose, my friend.