Ever wonder why certain people, places or things make you feel happy just being around them? This, my friend, is Vibrational Energy in all of its beauty. I’ll never forget the moment I met my now husband in person for the very first time. He radiated an energy that I had never experienced before. He had this “invisible” aura that surrounded his body that seemed to pull me in closer. I felt safe, honored and held by him within seconds of locking eyes. I had no idea of what “vibrational energy” was back then. I just knew when something felt right and how being in the presence of certain people, places and things felt comforting and peaceful to me.
What is Vibrational Energy?
In simple terms, Vibrational Energy is the frequency that every single thing on the planet radiates. It is what we are all made of.
Everything & everyone has its own unique vibration. Whether it be a flower, an animal, a song, food, a person, something in nature, a self care product, & even the guy who cut you off on the way to work this morning. (😡Grrrrrrr….) The most beautiful thing about recognizing Vibrational Energy is how you can harness your perception and projection of it to live your most fulfilling life. By sharing whole, loving, peaceful energy with yourself and with the world, you are able to impact your life as well as others by simply being your own unique self. It all starts with awareness.
Did you know our vibrational energy even impacts our Physical Health, Emotional Health & Immune System?
High Vibrational Energy is energy that is good and strong. It’s pure, light & easy. It’s often associated with positive emotions such as passion, love, joy, optimism & appreciation. Additionally, it can promote energy, health & improved well being.
Low Vibrational Energy is dark, dense and heavy. It’s often associated with negative emotions such as worry, fear, sadness, jealousy & anger. Additionally, it can lead to sickness, ailments, and both physical & emotional pain.
Photo Credit: www.wholistic.com
How to Up-Level & Optimize Your Vibration
- Get enough sleep to activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This is the “Rest & Digest” division of the autonomic nervous system. The parasympathetic system conserves energy as it slows the heart rate, increases intestinal and gland activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Feed your body high vibrational whole, nutritious foods that act as fuel. Incorporate herbs & adaptogens to promote homeostasis in the body. Limit low vibrational food & drink such as soda, alcohol, processed foods and sugar.
- Be active every day by engaging your body in physical activity.
- Take control of your mood each day by not watching the news or checking your phone until at least an hour or so into your day. This way you control your thoughts and vision for the day, rather than allowing outside sources in.
- Do a quick 5-10 minute gratitude & visual meditation to set your intention for the day. Visualize how you want your day to flow & live in appreciation & purpose.
- Be self aware of your thoughts & emotions. Furthermore; always assess the source of what might be affecting them & make alterations appropriately.
- Practice loving & accepting yourself on a deeper level.
- Choose who you share your energy & space with. This might mean discontinuing relationships you have continued out of habit or changing workplaces/careers.
- Recognize the things, places & people that stress you out. For example: people, certain routes to work, & certain stores (I hate shopping during busy peak hours, so I choose to do it first thing on a slower weekday or order online for delivery)
- Limit your time on social media (and only follow positive & inspirational people that help you to feel good about yourself) & limit watching of the “news”
- Be careful to not compare yourself to others.
- Do things that make you happy. And, it’s okay to say no to the stuff that doesn’t. You are doing yourself an injustice and ultimately not honoring your true self by trying to please everyone. Take care of yourself first. This might mean getting up 20 minutes early to have some time to yourself to place yourself in the best frame of mind.
- Get organized so you can keep your life balanced.
- Ask for help. Whether this is with your family, daily tasks or emotional needs…..there is always someone available and willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask. Everybody needs a little help.
- Prioritize your health. Unwind. If you have a hard time unwinding, …… consider investing in a 90 minute massage every few weeks. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to budget for this & how valuable it becomes to your physical & emotional health. This also helps to alleviate any stuck emotions or emotional pain that we may be holding in our bodies unintentionally.
- Connect to a higher power: God, Source, Divine, the Cosmos …. One of the most important parts about connecting to some sort of higher power is feeling like you’re protected and not alone. It helps you into a different realm, and it helps you to ground, find peace, trust & ultimately surrender.
- Surround yourself by those who radiate joy, happiness & hope.
- Establish yourself with healers that you see regularly, such as a Skin Therapist (High-Touch Esthetician), Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Personal Trainer, Naturopathic Dr. & Reflexology Practitioner.
- Do things that bring you joy.
- Avoid procrastination. It weighs on you more that you might realize.
- Recognize when emotions are not yours. We can all pick up on the energy of the people around us, and if they’re vibrating at a low frequency, it’s very easy to confuse their feelings for our own if you’re not introspective. We are in control of our energy.
- Clear your life of Energy Vampires. These are people that habitually vibrate on a low level due to not doing the self work they truly & deeply need. They end up sucking all of your energy to raise theirs. You will know this is happening if you feel exhausted after engaging with them.
- If you find yourself in stressful times, have a practice that can help calm your nerves such as deep breathing, visualization practices & utilizing the powerful effects of crystals, essential oils & soothing music at 432 hz. (Youtube is a great resource for all of these things)
- Practice Feng Shui and keep your home tidy.
- Choose to be in a career that is fulfulling to you. We spend up to half of our lives in our career. Make the time count. You can do anything you set your mind to. 😘
- Don’t be a multi-tasker. Do one task at a time, keep your mind clear and live in the moment. Be mindful. Be present.
- Develop a soothing, self love night time routine. I am beyond inspired by Alicia Keys Nighttime Routine 😍
For more helpful tips, check out my Blog Post “Mastering The Art of Saying Yes To Yourself”
Be Sure to Grab my FREE Guide on 30 Ways to Raise Your Vibration by
clicking here

The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. You should always consult with a physician prior to starting any therapy or device.
This blog post contains affiliate links. In many cases I earn a small commission for referring business to certain websites I am affiliated with. This is at no cost to you. I will only recommend products & services that I personally use and love. I sincerely appreciate your support, as it helps me to bring the best content to www.UpliftedBeauty.com. Thank you for visiting, Erin