If you’ve been feeling exhausted, it’s a great time to look at your energetic bank account.
Where are the withdrawals coming from?
Are you making enough deposits?
Identify Energy takers vs Energy givers
➕DEPOSITS can look like:
Self Care & Self Love Rituals
Spending time with people you love
Simplifying your schedule
Living in the present moment
Laughing & Celebrating Life
Releasing Attachment to Outcome
Delegating tasks or asking for help
➖WITHDRAWALS can look like:
Tasks that are out of alignment & taking valuable energy
People draining your energy
Not getting enough rest
Low vibrational food
Days with no purpose or goals
Too much busyness
A career that is unfulfilling
Lack of boundaries
Whatever is making you feel exhausted can always be improved. The first step is becoming AWARE.
Set aside 30 minutes and sit down with a notebook and journal on how you feel. Feel free to use these prompts to get you started.
– What makes you feel powerful?
– What makes you feel calm?
– What makes you feel in control?
– What’s a choice you can make this week based on your needs?
– How do you recharge?
– How can you celebrate yourself today?
– What’s a goal you want to accomplish and why?
– How do you put yourself first without feeling guilty?
– What boundaries can you set to avoid someone else’s emotions and stress?
– How can you plan some alone time?
– Where can you ask for help or support?
– How do you practice self care & self love?
– What does your ideal day look like?
Wanna sit with us? 👯♀️ Join the Uplifted Beauty community VIP Email Group here
I hope you find these helpful and insightful. Nothing is ever permanent and YOU have the power to harness anything you want in your life. It starts with small, intentional steps