Have you ever been curious about Tarot Cards or Oracle Decks? I know I was. I was even a bit intimidated for a little while before I started my collection! It seemed like there was so much mystery to them and so much to learn. Ironically, the same goes for each of us in life!
Now these decks are some of my favorite tools to work with in Personal Development & Spirituality.
“What I love most about them is they can be utilized to mirror back your energy and help you to further dive into self discovery and self expression”
ERin, Uplifted beauty
I think I was mostly intimidated by the fact that there are SO many decks available both in Oracle & Tarot. I would recommend just staying open minded to what you are drawn to. It might be the artwork (It was for me!) or maybe you are drawn to a particular author or the way the cards are interpreted in the guide books.
What I love most about them is they can be utilized to mirror back your energy and help you to further dive into self discovery and self expression. The universe will always present you back with the energy that you are sending out.
This is the main reason why I enjoy working with them so much.
Often times, I will do a little meditation and grounding of my energy ( aka, calm your mind, light some palo and slow your breathing) Then, I will ask “What do I need to know today?” or “What Lessons are Available to me today?”
I get into everything in MUCH more detail in the video below, as well as touching on the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Abundance & Manifestation. Enjoy & thanks for stopping by!