It happens to us all at some point or another.
The feeling of exhaustion, heavy and unmotivated. Creativity gets stifled, and our purpose seems hard to grasp. We are just going through the motions at this point.
Whether in business or personal life, burnout is something that we can slip into without realizing. I might also mention that wherever the burnout occurs, it is sure to affect all areas of our life. This is our souls way of giving us a tiny little wakeup call to step back & re-evaluate.
No matter what our physical body is, we have both feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies within us. The key is to have a beautiful balance of both. Each of these two energies are designed to work synergystically within us to create harmony & balance in all that we do. If we are too heavy in our masculine energy, it can lead to burnout. If we are too heavy in our feminine energy, it can lead to a lack of follow through or results.
Here’s what to do:
You might find that you have the propensity to fall dominatley into one energy over the other. In this scenario I am specifically addressing burnout, which almost always comes from an abundance of Masculine energy.
I find the best solution comes in the form of a gentle self awareness practice. In order to restore balance from a nose dive into full on masculine energy, we must bring in more feminine energy to harmonize.
Physical Body:
Take a quiet walk alone OR rather than your typical workout, opt for meditation, stretching and mind clearing breathwork. TIP: Search YouTube for 432 hz music (helps release negative energy blockages and acts as a good sound healing tool). Light a candle, set the tone for peace and tranquility.
Oils to diffuse (use any or all):
Petitgrain essential oil to inspire optimism, self confidence & a clear mind
Sandalwood for mental clarity & relaxation
Lavender to calm the mind
Lemon to cleanse & purify
I want you to envision a dump truck unloading a full bed of junk. Write it all out. What’s making you happy, sad, frustrated, hopeful. If you’re feeling it, reach deeper to try to find the why OR if you want to feel it, reach deeper to find the why not.
Here are 5 journal prompts to get you started:
What in life are you grateful for?
What gets me excited about life?
What are 5 things I value about myself?
How do I feel right now?
I feel amazing about myself when…
What you are doing is simply getting out of your head and into your body. The more you are able to lean into your intuitive nature, the quicker you will recognize imbalance in your life and the more efficiently you will be able to correct your path.
Now, go be a Masculine I Feminine badass and sculpt your life into everything you want!