How does that saying go? I’m either researching skincare, buying skincare or using skincare! HA! So true
This is a long overdue post on my favorite oil cleansers. I actually used to think all oil cleansers were the same. I could not have been more wrong!
Primally Pure Oil Cleanser (For Oily Skin) *they have a formula for normal skin too
Rich and luxurious, the essential oil blend included in this formula is divvvvvine. I love to use in the bath or if you aren’t into baths, get yourself situated in a comfortable sitting position and massage your little heart out. The more you massage with oil cleansers, the more impurities, oil and ick they draw out!
I like to use this Living Libations Clarifying Clay Soap after I use this oil, to wash away any oily residue that is left behind. This is the best bar of “soap” money can buy. It can also be used on your body and in your hair to do a first “shampoo” to get rid of oil.
Love this one because it is an Oil to Milk cleanser. You can work with it for as long as you like, then just add a splash of water and it washes away clean with no oily residue. You are left with clean, hydrated skin. You will be wondering where your pores went!

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